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Mobility & Transport - Road Safety

Greece - GR6

Issue period: 19/01/2013 - 01/01/2038

Physical description

Size: 85.6 x 54 mm

Format: ID-1

Material: Plastic card

Colour: Pink

Distinctive features: Meets international quality standards (ISO) and all technical requirements set out in Annex 1 to Directive 2006/126/EC


Security features


  • 1 Surname of the holder
  • 2 Other name(s) of the holder
  • 3 Date and place of birth
  • 4a Date of issue of the licence
  • 4b Date of expiry of the licence
  • 4c Name of the issuing authority
  • 5 Number of licence
  • 6 Photograph of the holder
  • 7 Signature of the holder
  • 8 Permanent place of residence
  • 9 category(ies) of vehicle(s) the holder is entitled to drive
  • 10 Date of first issue of each category(ies)
  • 11 Date of expiry of each category
  • 12 Additional information/restriction(s)

Categories & Codes


For more information on the corresponding categories, please check the Commission decision on equivalence.


Period of validity*

AM, A1, A2, A, B, B1, BE

Up to 65: 15 years;

65-80: 3 years;

over 80: 2 years

C1, C, D1, D, C1Ε, CE, D1E, D

5 years;

65-80: 3 years;

over 80: 2 years

*This refers to the administrative validity of the document and does not necessarily reflect the holder’s right to drive.



National codes


Community codes


Monocular vision



Hearing impairment



Restriction on extension of the driving licence to   group II categories, for medical reasons



Time limit on the licence's administrative validity, for medical reasons



Converted driving licence issued by the armed forces 



The driving licence was issued with less categories than in the previous driving licence document



Ban on occupations that would require the person concerned to hold a category C, D, CE or DE licence



Professional drivers

  • Certificate of professional competence is issued : NO
  • Code 95 is marked on the driving licence : YES