Expectations are that tomorrow's older driver will continue to drive longer and for larger distances than earlier cohorts, partly because they have better access to cars. In England, Sweden and Norway, the number of trips taken daily by older people (as well as by other age groups) has remained reasonably constant over the last 10-15 years, but the daily distance travelled has increased. In the United States, the number and length of trips have increased for people over 65 years of age, with faster growth for older people than for other age groups. Much of the increase in travel distance among older groups can be attributed to better access to a car. The car is becoming more dominant as a transport mode for older people, but there are differences among countries, especially between Europe and the United States. In Europe, walking is still an important transport mode for older people, with 30-50% of older people's trips made on foot. However, car use seems to replace walking and to a lesser extent, public transport. Since more older women will have a driving licence in future, gender differences in car use among older people today may be reduced by 2030.