This section presents two best practices in the field of police enforcement, one from the United Kingdom and one from Australia/New Zealand. These two practices have been chosen because the United Kingdom and Australia/New Zealand have demonstrably achieved good results with enforcement. Also, in both practices the success can be attributed to a continuing and close cooperation between police, local government, and researchers, with a consistent focus on improving enforcement practices and learning from the past rather than just continuing fixed routines. In several evaluation and policy reports the policing practices in United Kingdom and Australia/New Zealand have been clearly described.
Best practices can show us what works well in a given system or context. However, it should be kept in mind that key elements of best practices are rooted in a specific legal, cultural and organisational tradition/context. It would be a mistake to assume that separate success elements of a strategy can simply be 'copied' to another country. Each country should for itself seek the best ways to apply or adapt the success factors in other countries to its own particular traffic system and traffic culture.
Further best practices in the areas of speed and traffic enforcement can be found in Lynam et al. OECD/ECMT and SUPREME.