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The Older Driver Highway Design Handbook
The 'Older Driver Highway Design Handbook' by Staplin, Lococo & Byington (1998), and its second edition 'Highway Design Handbook for Older Drivers and Pedestrians' (Staplin, Lococo, Byington & Harkey, 2001) can be regarded as important reference books on the subject of road design elements that take the older adult driver into account. These two handbooks contain recommendations regarding the design of highways including the references on which these recommendations were based. A major advantage of these handbooks is that all recommendations have been presented to engineers with the request to check whether these recommendations would contribute to a solution of existing problems of older adult drivers, and whether they would apply these recommendations to their own roads. Feedback from the engineers has been incorporated in the handbooks.
Since the infrastructure in the United States is rather different than in Europe, it would not be wise just to copy all proposed measures. Therefore, Davidse (2002) thoroughly screened all recommendations with the help of Dutch engineers on the possibility and desirability to translate them to the European situation. In her report, only those recommendations were included that were judged to be suitable for the European situation and that were related to intersections and interchanges. Where possible, these recommendations were complemented with the results of studies that were not included in the reference list of the American handbooks. An English translation of the report is included in Hakamies-Blomqvist et al. (2004).