Share of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities
- Age groups most involved in fatal crashes
- Collision partners
- Contributory factors
- Crash characteristics: where and how?
- Crossing facilities
- Data considerations
- General trends in number of fatalities
- Road types
Share of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities
Of all traffic fatalities, the proportion of pedestrian fatalities is about 17%, and the proportion of cyclist fatalities is about 6% (IRTAD data for 2000-2002). However, differences between countries are large. In countries like the Netherlands and Denmark, where the bicycle is an important daily means of transport, the proportion of cyclist fatalities is much higher (18% and 13% respectively), whereas in Greece and Spain, the proportion of cyclist fatalities is only 1 or 2%. The proportion of pedestrian fatalities varies from 10% in Belgium and the Netherlands to 35% in Poland (more data can be found in Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2005: Pedestrians).