- Conditions of entry and exit of vehicles and road users to the road network
- Funding and resource allocation
- Institutional management functions
- Interventions
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Multi-sectoral co-ordination
- Planning, design, operation and use of the road network
- Promotion
- Recovery and rehabilitation of crash victims from the road network
- Research and development and knowledge transfer
- Results
- Results focus
- The evolution of road safety management for results
- The road safety management system
- The road safety management system
All countries active in road safety aim to ensure that appropriate legislation is in place to meet the road safety task set out and agreed within the national road safety strategy. Typically, a comprehensive framework for the road traffic system safety will have evolved over many years. The 'legislation' function involves:
- Reviewing the scope of the legislative framework periodically
- Developing legislation needed for the road safety strategy with due consideration to cost-effectiveness, practicality and public acceptability
- Consolidating legislation
- Securing legislative time for road safety
This function ensures that legislative instruments for road safety are well-matched to the road safety task. Road safety legislation typically addresses land use, road, vehicle, and user safety standards and rules and their compliance, as well as post impact medical care. A mixture of specialist legislative and technical expertise is needed within government to develop and consult on enforceable standards and rules with due consideration to cost, effectiveness, practicality and public acceptability [5].