Road traffic injury is largely preventable
- Achieving results
- The high cost of motorized mobility to society and public health
- Why do we need road safety management?
Road traffic injury is largely preventable
Based on current knowledge, fatal and long term crash injury is largely predictable, largely avoidable and a problem amenable to rational analysis and remedy [54][56]. Research and experience in North America, Australasia and Europe have shown that very substantial reductions in road deaths and serious injuries can be achieved against the background of increased motorization [65]. In 2004, the World Report of Road Traffic Injury Prevention[56] provided a global call to action and blueprint for effective intervention based on past best practice as well as innovative, ambitious 'safe system' approaches. International organizations such as the World Health Organization [56], the World Bank [6][5] the OECD [53][52] and the ECMT (now the International Transport Forum) [19] all acknowledge that the key to achieving better performance in road safety is by more effective safety management.