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Mobility & Transport - Road Safety

Finland - FIN9A (Åland)

Issue period: 19/01/2013 - 01/01/2038

Physical description

Size: 85.6 x 53.98 mm

Format: ID-1

Material: Polycarbonate

Colour: Pink

Distinctive features: Monolingual - Swedish


Security features

Categories & Codes


For more information on the corresponding categories, please check the Commission decision on equivalence.


Period of validity*

AM, A1, A2, A, B, BE, (T)

Until 70: 15 years; 

above 66: 5 years

C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE,

Until 70: 5 years;

above 70: 2 years

*This refers to the administrative validity of the document and does not necessarily reflect the holder’s right to drive.


National categories

National category

Description of national category


Tractors other than road-rated tractors, construction equipment, snowmobiles and connected trailers


Professional drivers

  • Certificate of professional competence is issued : NO
  • Code 95 is marked on the driving licence : YES