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Mobility & Transport - Road Safety

France - F10

Issue period: 19/09/2013 - 01/01/2038

Physical description

Size: 85.60 x 53.98 mm

Format: ISO / IEC 7810 ID-1

Material: Polycarbonate and PEC


Security features


  • 1 Surname of the holder
  • 2 Other name(s) of the holder
  • 3 Date and place of birth
  • 4a Date of issue of the licence
  • 4b Date of expiry of the licence
  • 4c Name of the issuing authority
  • 5 Number of licence
  • 6 Photograph of the holder
  • 7 Signature of the holder
  • 8 Permanent place of residence
  • 9 category(ies) of vehicle(s) the holder is entitled to drive
  • 10 Date of first issue of each category(ies)
  • 11 Date of expiry of each category
  • 12 Additional information/restriction(s)

Categories & Codes


For more information on the corresponding categories, please check the Commission decision on equivalence.


Period of validity*

A1, A2, A, B, B1

15 years

BE, C, CE, C1, C1E

Until 60: 5 years;

60-76: 2 years;

above 76: 1 year

D1, D, D1E, DE

Until 60: 5 years;

above 60: 1 year

*This refers to the administrative validity of the document and does not necessarily reflect the holder’s right to drive.



National codes



C: restricted to 7.5 tonnes for drivers under 21


CE: restricted to 7.5 tonnes for drivers under 21


D: restricted to national passenger service on routes of 50 km or less, for drivers under 23 who obtained their licence through accelerated training




All categories: alcohol interlock 


AM: restricted to 2 or 3-wheel category AM vehicles for drivers under 16


AM: restricted to category AM light quadricycle vehicles


Not authorised to drive category D vehicles which fall within the scope of Directive 2003/59/EC.


Category A limited to motorcycles with a maximum power output of 35 kW and a maximum power/weight ratio of 0.2 kW/kg


Professional drivers

  • Certificate of professional competence is issued : YES
  • Code 95 is marked on the driving licence : NO