General information
Main rules
Vehicle registration is managed by the vehicle registration office authorised for the district and near the individual’s principal place of residence or the company’s head office. A vehicle approval document (Fahrzeug-Genehmigungsdokument) is also issued. This consists of Part II of the registration certificate and the submitted certificate of approval (Genehmigungsnachweis). Both documents are attached to each other by the registration office. If a vehicle is re-registered, the vehicle approval document must be produced. In 1999, the Zulassungsschein registration certificate was replaced by the Zulassungsbescheinigung Parts I and II. Part I must be carried when driving the vehicle. As of December 2010 it is also possible to apply for Part I in an ID-1 format (credit card size) with a chip. Some data can therefore only be read from the card chip. Part II continues to be issued in the same way as before. This part is normally kept by the owner together with the car type certificate (Typenschein).
Period of validity
The document is valid until de-registration, suspension or termination of registration.