Exposure data
Performance indicators
Performance indicators are indicators that have a strong causal link with road safety, but are a better reflection of road safety management and the state of art of a country.
You can find information on performance indicators for the European countries of:
- Alcohol use (2005-2007)
- Speed (2005-2007)
- Protection systems (2003-2007)
- Vehicle safety (2003)
Attitudes and self-reported behaviour
Here you can find information about attitudes in European countries on safety related issues. The data arrives from SARTRE, which stands for Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk in Europe. This European project has gathered attitude information in 1991, 1996, 2003 and 2010.
You can find more information about SARTRE here.
To get information on attitudes, please click on one or more of the SARTRE-questions below to open a pdf-file.
Speeding related
- How often would you speed on Motorways?
- How often would you speed on Main Roads between Towns?
- How often would you speed on Country Roads?
- Penalties for speeding offences should be far more severe
- Penalties for speeding offences should be far more severe - total by age and gender
Alcohol related
- How often did you drive with some alcohol in your system last week?
- How often did you drive while over the legal limit last week?
- People should be allowed to decide for themselves how much they can drink and drive
- Penalties for drink-driving offences should be far more severe
- Penalties for drink-driving offences should be far more severe - total by age and gender
Seat belt wearing
- How often would you wear seat belts on motorways?
- How often would you wear seat belts on main roads between towns?
- How often would you wear seat belts on country roads?
- How often would you wear seat belts in built-up areas?
- If you drive carefully seat belts aren't really necessary
- When I'm not wearing my belt I feel less comfortable; as though something was missing
- How often would you follow the vehicle in front too closely?
- How often would you follow the vehicle in front too closely?- total by age and gender
Giving way to pedestrians
- How often would you give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing?
- How often would you give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing?- total by age and gender
Driving through amber
- How often would you drive through a traffic light that is on amber?
- How often would you drive through a traffic light that is on amber? - total by age and gender