Best practice: Trauma Service Clinical Arrangements
Best practice: Trauma Service Clinical Arrangements
Minimum threshold of basic clinical capabilities to be provided by trauma centre, Buylaert ed.,1999
In-house 24 hours a day:
Emergency Medicine
General Surgery and any life saving surgery (such as urgent external fixation for pelvic
fractures, vascular surgery)
Radiology: a mobile X-ray apparatus should be located in the resuscitation room and the
other X-ray facilities such as CT-scan should located near the emergency department
On call promptly available:
Anesthesiology (2nd team)
General Surgery (2nd team)
Neurosurgery (2nd team)
Orthopaedic Surgery
Maxillo facial Surgery
Interventional Radiology
Pediatric Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Urologic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Thoracic surgery
Facilities and resources: available in-house 24 hours a day:
X-ray and Ultrasonography
Trauma operating room with staffed personnel
Clinical laboratory service
Blood bank with adequate storage facilities
Rehabilitation team for the acute trauma phase
The facilities and medical instruments for every clinical procedure must be recorded on dedicated checklists which are monitored every day by trained nursing staff overseen by the trauma coordinator.