Are trauma...
Best practice: Trauma Service...
Coordination between...
Do commercial and public transport drivers need first...
Documenting information
Education, training...
Establishing a national...
Health of survivors and long...
Impairment, disability and loss of function scales...
In vehicle emergency...
Is helicopter...
Legislative framework for...
Medical control and direction of...
Monitoring hospital...
Performance indicators
Planning and care in multiple...
Post impact care and national road safety plans...
Returning the patient to...
Road traffic deaths...
Socio-economic costs and the value...
Survivable and non-survivable road...
Telephone answering by the...
Telephone notification
The availability and response...
The first link in the chain...
The trauma...
Time between road crash and...
Training of...
What is...
What type...
Which hospital? The importance of...
Who should deliver the...
Would first aid training for the general...
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