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Mobility & Transport - Road Safety

Road safety measures



Every road traffic crash starts at a road. Road elements play an important role in the probability of crash or the final outcome. Find out more about safe design principles, road management and road-driver interaction in the text below.

Update of text on roads . (DaCoTA, 2012)

Text on roads (SafetyNet, 2006)



Traffic law enforcement is one of the effective measures to influence (speeding) behavior. The text below gives you more information on the mechanisms behind traffic enforcement, specific speed enforcement methods and their effects, and future developments.

Updated text on speed enforcement (DaCoTa, 2012)

Text on speed enforcement (SafetyNet, 2006)



Improving vehicle safety is a key strategy used in addressing international and national road casualty reduction targets and in achieving a safer road traffic system. The text below gives more information on safe vehicle systems, their effects but also the knowledge gaps that still exist.

Updated text on vehicle safety (DaCoTA, 2012)

Text on vehicle safety (SafetyNet, 2006)